Bacon Wrapped Beef Chucj in Air Fryer

Bacon-Wrapped Filet Mignon — The ultimate in carnivorous decadence, this dish is for the meat connoisseur with a taste for something boggling. The salary-wrapped filet mignon is not just mouthwatering to expect at, but it tastes fifty-fifty better than it looks! Today, I will bear witness y'all how to make this delicious and archetype repast right in your air fryer!

Bacon-Wrapped Filet Mignon

The essential ingredient in this recipe is bacon, and what cooks up bacon amend than the air fryer? The key is that the bacon keeps the steak moist and flavorful every bit it cooks up! It's a smashing recipe where you air fryer it, broil or fifty-fifty grill it!

This bacon-wrapped filet mignon volition wow your dinner guests. Seared on the outside with a beautiful pinkish interior, you won't be able to stop eating this air fryer dish!

Have you ever tried cooking with an air fryer? I would never accept idea that food could be and then crispy and delicious, just it is! Information technology simply takes about 10 minutes for the oven to warm upwards when nosotros use our Air Fryer.

These salary-wrapped filet mignon steaks are an actual sin in the air fryer. You must endeavour it for yourself and run into how easy these juicy pieces of meat can be made! The outside sears beautifully without overcooking, which ways your dinner is always perfect while as well beingness tender to swallow with no burnt edges or undercooked parts like some restaurants may give you on occasion when they cook them too long earlier serving.

If yous are looking for some other easy and delicious Air Fryer Recipes, some of my favorite are AIR FRYER Blackness PEPPER STEAK KABOB, AIR FRYER FILET MIGNON, AIR FRYER TRI-TIP STEAK RECIPE, and AIR FRYER ROAST BEEF.

What Is Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon?

The bacon-wrapped filet mignon is a popular dish made with beef steak and bacon. Information technology is prepared by wrapping the bacon around the meat before cooking.

The result of this combination is a fantastic repast that tin be served for any occasion, including holidays! A great and easy Christmas or Thanksgiving Recipe that will wow anyone!

Ingredients Needed For Salary Wrapped Filet Mignon

Ingredients Needed For Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon
  • Filet Mignon Steaks
  • Thick Cut Salary
  • English Mustard
  • Salt
  • Blackness Pepper
  • Onion Pulverisation
  • Minced Onions
  • Paprika

How To Cook Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon

 Wrapped Filet Mignon

Castor filets with English language mustard on all sides. In a pocket-sized basin or ramekin, combine salt, pepper, onion powder, minced onion, and paprika. Flavour meridian and bottom sides of the filets with the seasoning mix and allow rest for 15 minutes. While the steak is resting, place toothpicks in a basin of water to soak.

on Wrapped Filet Mignon

Preheat the air fryer to 370* for five minutes, air fryer setting. Wrap steaks with salary. Use 1-2 slices depending on the thickness of the steak. Secure the ends of the bacon with a toothpick.

Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon

Lightly spray the air fryer basket with non-stick cooking spray. Add the steak to the air fryer handbasket—Cook for 12 minutes total. Be sure to stop halfway through cooking and flip the steaks over. ***We cooked the steaks to medium-rare (145*)  using these cooking times. Adjust cooking time for the desired temp. Add one minute for medium, 2 minutes for medium-well.

Let steak to rest on a wooden cutting board for 5-10 minutes before serving. Savor!

Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon

Tips For Making The Perfect Air Fryer Filet Mignon Steak

  • Commencement with room temperature meat before y'all start. This fashion, the filet mignon will take a better, more evener cooked meat and tender slices of Filet Mignon.
  • Look for about v minutes before slicing into the Filet Mignon after it cooks. This volition allow all of the juices to run to the middle, causing improve and juicier pieces of steak.
  • Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the Filet accurately. Y'all should measure out the internal temperature of the thickest part of the Filet Mignon.
  • The internal temperature of a cooked Filet Mignon varies past how raw you want your steak.
  • This recipe volition work in whatsoever Air Fryer Basket, Air Fryer Oven, Ninja Foodi, GoWise, Instant Pot Vortex, Instant Pot Crisp Chapeau, and even the Mealthy Hat.

What's the bespeak of making bacon wrapped steak?

There are many reasons why a person would choose to make bacon-wrapped steak. Some people exercise it for the sake of flavor, others for the sake of tradition. All the same, in that location is 1 affair that all cooks tin agree on: Bacon makes everything better! A few minutes in an air fryer, and you will take a flavorful meal waiting for you to enjoy.

This is a nifty dinner, and the salary then enhances the flavor of the steak. Not merely do y'all get the actress piece of bacon (always a plus), but the bacon adds a lot of flavors.

Equally the salary cooks up, the grease keeps the steak moist, tender and juicy.

Wrapping the Filet with Bacon

Wrap your tenderloin steaks with a strip of bacon and secure information technology using a toothpick. You must soak your toothpicks in water for the air fryer for nearly ten minutes earlier adding them to the steak.

How Long To Cook Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon

The actual time to cook your steak will depend on a few factors, mainly the thickness of your cut of meat and which air fryer y'all are using.

For best results, use a meat thermometer and check the temperature in the thickest part of the filet.

The USDA's guidelines for steak are:

  • Medium Rare: 135 degrees F
  • Medium: 145 degrees F
  • A Medium Well: 150 degrees F
  • Well Done: 160 degrees F

What To Serve With Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon?

Bacon-wrapped filet mignon is not only succulent, only it's likewise i of the near pop dishes served. With a salary-wrapped filet, yous tin't forget to serve your favorite side dish! Check out our guide for serving suggestions beneath:

Air Fryer Roasted Potatoes or Air Fryer French Chips and green beans are perfect for dipping in the bacon grease left behind from cooking the meat.
Instant Pot Mashed potatoes with cheese sauce brand an amazing pairing with this dish because they soak up all that yummy bacon grease.
Air Fryer Macaroni and Cheese will be smashing if you want something unproblematic on the side to become along with this dish.

Some Great Air Fryer Side Dish Recipes:

  • Easy AIR FRYER HOMEMADE BBQ Irish potato Fries

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 12 minutes

Total Time 22 minutes


  • v prime number beefiness filets
  • ii tbsp English mustard
  • 1 ½ tsp kosher common salt flakes
  • one tsp black pepper
  • ½ tsp onion powder
  • one tsp dried minced onions
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • ½ lb thick cutting bacon ( 5 slices)


  1. Brush filets with English mustard on all sides.
  2. In a pocket-sized bowl or ramekin, combine salt, pepper, onion pulverisation, minced onion, and paprika. Season acme and bottom sides of the filets with the seasoning mix and let rest for 15 minutes.
  3. While the steak is resting, place toothpicks in a bowl of water to soak.
  4. Preheat the air fryer to 370* for v minutes.
  5. Wrap steaks with bacon. Employ 1-2 slices depending on the thickness of the steak. Secure the ends of the bacon with a toothpick.
  6. Lightly spray the air fryer handbasket with non-stick cooking spray. Add together the steak to the air fryer handbasket—Cook for 12 minutes full. Be sure to stop halfway through cooking and flip the steaks over. ***We cooked the steaks to medium-rare (145*)  using these cooking times. Suit cooking time for the desired temp. Add 1 minute for medium, 2 minutes for medium-well.
  7. Allow steak to rest on a wooden cutting lath for 5-x minutes before serving.
  8. Plate, serve, and enjoy!

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Corporeality Per Serving: Calories: 446 Total Fat: 31g Saturated Fatty: 11g Trans Fat: 0g Unsaturated Fat: 17g Cholesterol: 127mg Sodium: 1255mg Carbohydrates: 2g Fiber: 1g Sugar: 0g Poly peptide: 38g occasionally offers nutritional information for recipes independent on this site. This information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate but. This data comes from online calculators. Although we endeavour to attempt to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures are only estimates.

Don't Forget To Pivot:

Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon


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