How to Upload .fit Route to Ridewithgps

As you lot may know, I've owned a Garmin Edge 510 for over a yr (here's when I 'unboxed' information technology; hither's where I compared it to an Border 500).

In that time, I have been woefully bad at learning how to use all only its simplest features. I've done trivial more than than utilize it to record where I've been and to display how fast (wearisome) I was whilst doing it. That'south all set to alter.

One of the features that I've been meaning to try out is the ability to upload a route so have the 510 give me directions as I'thou cycling.

Other than the usual inertia, some light enquiry had given me the impression that 'cookie crumb' navigation (i.due east. using GPS waypoints rather than maps within the unit itself) was next to useless, and that the Edge wasn't very good at giving accelerate notice of upcoming turns.

SPOILER ALERT: I was very wrong.

After finally pulling my finger out, I discovered that it is both very easy to design a route and, when uploaded to the Border, follow it whilst cycling. Whilst the topic is fresh in my mind I thought I'd write a quick 'how to' to explicate my process.

Box Hill Leith Hill Garmin route profile
What Garmin thinks Leith and Box Hills look like…

Disclaimer: blah blah. This is only i way of doing things, rather than the right way. I'd gauge the other Garmins apply a similar procedure but since I simply own the 510, I tin can't guarantee that.

Right so, at that place are 3 steps to (navigational) heaven.

1. Design a route

I use RideWithGPS to programme out a route. Information technology's pretty straightforward. Head to 'Plan' in the menu bar at the top, select a starting signal so click around the map to start 'routing'.

RideWithGPS, like most mapping applications, uses Google Maps information (I think). Past selecting the appropriate options you can 'optimize' (sic) for cycling and avoid highways (motorways).

If you're not certain of the area, or you'd like some inspiration, click 'Find' in the top menu bar in guild to search for routes near you (or near to where yous're going).

NB. Other mapping websites are bachelor. I've heard good things about Bike Route Toaster (which gets bonus points for the name). You lot tin use Strava (I've literally just created my first route whilst typing this post), Garmin Connect, my RAC Road Atlas 2003. They all work in a similar way (other than my Road Atlas, which doesn't seem to use a mouse).

Dorsum to RideWithGPS. One time you've got your route, y'all need to salvage it down equally a file that the Garmin can translate.

For the sake of argument, allow'southward use this route I 'designed' terminal September as a grooming route for people wanting to acclimatise to Leith Hill and Box Hill (i.e. alee of RideLondon):

Box Hill Leith Hill Loop (opens route in RideWithGPS)

Hither's a screenshot of what y'all should encounter:

ridewithgps screenshot leith hill loop
Click to see a larger version

In the superlative right of the screen, in that location is an orange link 'Consign'. Click that and you become some handy info on the advisable file type to download for your Garmin type. Currently the info looks out of date. There is no mention of Edge 510.

Whatevs. The file type you desire for the 510 has a .tcx suffix so click the link, 'TCX Course'. A popular up should appear asking you where you want to save the downloaded file. You'll want to remember where you saved it…

(Another NB. I think you tin can upload .gpx files to the Edge 510. Apparently these incorporate less of the cue canvas information that makes the ride followable on the not-map 510/500 (every bit opposed to those with inbuilt mapping), so I'd suggest sticking to the .tcx files for at present).

ii. Upload the route

Now I'm no engineering expert, simply I call up a lot of the information on t'interwebs virtually problems uploading files to bike GPS devices (mainly Garmins) is downwards to historical factors.

Garmin updates the 'firmware' (they phone call it software, simply I think it amounts to the same affair) on its units fairly ofttimes. It may well have done and so afterwards you bought your Edge (or whatever). Many of the issues of the past are no longer issues, provided that the unit is upwardly to date.

And then make sure you take the latest firmware/software running. To check, it's a convoluted procedure (or it seemed to be for me). I call up (recall) you need to log in to your Garmin Connect business relationship, download a slice of software called 'WebUpdater' and, one time that's downloaded, run information technology to bank check and update your unit.

The skillful news is that having downloaded the WebUpdater, you can use that to check in every so often (perhaps every couple of months).

Right, now things start getting straightforward. To upload the route:

Upload route to Garmin 510
Y'all need to copy your route .tcx file to the 'NewFiles' folder shown hither.

a.) Make sure your 510 is connected to your computer with the USB cable

b) Find that .tcx route file you saved down (y'all remember where you saved it, right?) and copy it (in Windows, right click and 'Copy' or Ctrl+C)

c) Navigate to the post-obit location on the Edge: "Garmin Edge 510/Garmin/NewFiles"

d) Paste the .tcx file into the 'NewFiles' folder (only paste one file here – don't copy in multiple files in a bid to salvage time – I don't think it works)

eastward) That's it.

Unplug the Edge from your figurer. Turn it on. I find that it takes a petty longer to boot upward (~ 1 minute) afterwards I've just uploaded a route (I'g guessing this is when the Edge is converting the .tcx file into the .fit file that it can employ).

3. Follow the route

Now, I could spend a few hundred words describing what to practice next, forth with a few screen shots. Simply I won't.

Instead, by mode of a fiddling experiment, I MADE A FUGGING VIDEO!

Information technology occurs to me now (having uploaded it to Youtube) that I could take had the decency to shave, wear a clean t-shirt, look at the camera rather than just off to the left. C'est la vie.

I used my new iPhone and the complimentary video editing software that comes with Windows. Hence why it's a bit trud.

Hopefully the content of the video is clear. If y'all have any questions (or video presentation tips) leave them in the comments section below.

I quite enjoyed making my first documentary. I may well make some more than.

Do You Need To Buy a New Cycle Computer?

Normally at this point in a post, I link to the products I've talked nigh so you can buy them (and I can earn a commission at no extra cost to you).

That doesn't work so well if y'all already own an Edge 510. If you don't (well done on performing some very in-depth research), here are your buying options on Amazon:

Garmin Edge 530

Monty - Sportive Cyclist

Monty is an enthusiastic road cyclist with simply moderate talent. He started Sportive Cyclist in 2013 to record the journey to his beginning 100 mile ride, the RideLondon 100. Over time the blog has expanded to include training communication, gear reviews and route cycling tales, all from the perspective of a not-very-fit MAMIL. Since you're here, Monty would also similar you to check out his YouTube channel. As well, Monty really needs to cease referring to himself in the 3rd person.


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